Monday, October 28, 2013

Emergency Medical Technician

Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
Emergency medical technicians are the first responders to an accident who provide life-saving care and transport to a hospital. There are three progressive levels of education for EMTs that include coursework and on-the-job training. The most highly trained emergency medical technicians are called paramedics, while Emergency Medical Technicians have the least training, and Emergency Medical Technicians -Intermediates fall in the middle.
  • Automobile accidents
  • Heart attacks
  • Gunshot woundings
  • Unscheduled childbirth
  • Drownings
  • Other serious medical emergencies
Average Salary:$25,000-$37,000
Students must have a high school diploma in order to become an emergency medical technician. The requirements are a driver's education, health, and science courses are strongly recommended and may be required before enrolling in some training programs. Emergency medical technician training includes about 100-120 hours spent in the classroom and 10 hours in a hospital emergency room.  Emergency medical technicians are must pass state licensing or certification tests and participate in continuing education programs in order to be an emergency medical technician.
Do you think you would like to be an emergency medical technician? Why? Why not?
I would like to be an emergency medical technician because I get to save someone life and help them get better or save them from dying.

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