Thursday, February 27, 2014


Duties and Responsibilities:
The perfusionists operate equipment during medical situations, when it’s necessary to artificially replace the patient’s respiratory functions. This may happen during heart surgery/ similar operations. They also control the patient’s temperature during the operation. The duties of being a perfusionist include:
·         Operating heart-lung machines
·         Administering some types of anesthesia or some types of medicines
Salary: $50,000
A high school diploma and a good background in biology and chemistry are required to be accepted in the training programs. The admissions preference is given to students with college science work. They have hands-on training, though the course length varies. The school needs to be recognized by American Academy of Cardiac Perfusionists. The school must include a performance of 150 procedures to include 20 pediatric.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I think I would like to be one because it sounds like a job I would enjoy doing. As well as helping out in an operations.

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